University Health Services to Have Flu Vaccine Clinics in October
Oct. 06, 2021
Ellen McDonald , at
FLORENCE, AL - University Health Services at the University of North Alabama will be having flu vaccination clinics during the month of October, with the first to take place October 11 from 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the Health Services Well Clinic in Room 209 of the Guillot University Center. Registration is required.
“Per the Alabama Department of Public Health this year, it is more important than ever to get your flu shot,” said Sheena Burgreen, Director of UHS. “Research shows that it is possible to have the flu and Covid-19 at the same time. An annual flu vaccine is recommended for everyone six months of age or older, and it is a great way to protect yourself from getting the flu and, potentially, getting really sick.”
Vaccines are free for all students, faculty, and staff at UNA. A second clinic will take place Wednesday, Oct. 29, from 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., also in Room 209 of the GUC.
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting vaccinated for the flu before the end of October,” Burgreen said. “It takes approximately two weeks after vaccination for the antibodies that protect against the flu to develop in the body and to fully protect you.”
Scan the QR code in the graphic to schedule your appointment.
University Health Services continues to offer the Covid-19 Vaccine Inventive Program. For Fall 2021, fully vaccinated UNA students are entered into a drawing that takes place each Friday. Prizes include dining dollars, a dedicated parking spot for one month, and a UNA Bookstore gift card.
To be eligible, students simply fill out the form under the vaccine incentive tab and upload their vaccine card to their patient portal on the UHS website.
About University Health Services
University Health Services operates a medical clinic to care for and treat minor illnesses and injury. Students may use one of the licensed healthcare providers at no charge. Lab tests and prescription medications are available for a fee that is much less than most clinics. Faculty and staff can receive care at a nominal fee.
About the Covid-19 Vaccine Incentive Program
UNA is sponsoring an incentive program for fully vaccinated students enrolled for Fall 2021. To participate, students must have received both doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, or two doses of an internationally approved vaccine through the World Health Organization.